I am writing again after a very long time. I wanted to write a post regarding this particular topic from a very long time, but my brain took charge over my heart and managed to procrastinate to the extent that I have a world record in procrastination to my name. Welcome to this very post after 3 months which is a bucket list of my crazy mind which generates 60,000 thoughts a day. I would be a millionaire by now if I were being paid for thinking but who wants a million bucks if you are drawing horizontal lines over words with teeth flashing white light in happiness on checking things off your bucket list.
It might sound crazy but who cares as long as it is making me happy and giving you a chance to laugh sitting on a cranky chair in suburban tier 1 or tier 2 city in a software company with a sweaty manager siting on your head to finish a project before the deadline. So my dear friend laughs mug : with at least think about your bucket list, tilt your head and let gravity do the justice to your manager.
Bucket distant
To join special forces and win a gallantatleastKirti Chakra)
To meet President Obama,P rime Minister Modi, Richard Branson, Satyabrata Dam, Navin Gulia, Abhilash Tommy, Dilip Dhonde, Ajeet Doval and Dr. Devi Shetty.
To open a NGO for soldiers and develop a health care insurance scheme for India.
To chair a meeting of all the World leaders and convince them to develop an action plan to establish World peace (Seems impossible but worth trying).
To be a mountaineer and climb a peak above 8000 meters.
To be a stand up comedian and make at least 10000 people laugh.( Right now the number is few hundred).
To give a Ted talk.
To complete an Ironman Marathon or at least a marathon.
To be a Rickshawala for few days.
To be a meditation teacher. ( So far managed to teach my flatmate who fall asleep while meditating)
To wear Batman Suit and fight goons.( Having gadgets and Catwomen depends on the funds I have)
To visit Kargil War Memorial.
To meet President Obama,P rime Minister Modi, Richard Branson, Satyabrata Dam, Navin Gulia, Abhilash Tommy, Dilip Dhonde, Ajeet Doval and Dr. Devi Shetty.
To open a NGO for soldiers and develop a health care insurance scheme for India.
To chair a meeting of all the World leaders and convince them to develop an action plan to establish World peace (Seems impossible but worth trying).
To be a mountaineer and climb a peak above 8000 meters.
To be a stand up comedian and make at least 10000 people laugh.( Right now the number is few hundred).
To give a Ted talk.
To complete an Ironman Marathon or at least a marathon.
To be a Rickshawala for few days.
To be a meditation teacher. ( So far managed to teach my flatmate who fall asleep while meditating)
To wear Batman Suit and fight goons.( Having gadgets and Catwomen depends on the funds I have)
To visit Kargil War Memorial.
I know a lot of these are dreams rather than Bucket list. But I am hopeful I will be able to achieve it in this life or maybe next incarnation. What are you waiting for! Write down your bucket list and go grab your dreams.