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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Think Big

An average human being gets 60000 thoughts a day. To a very large extent our environment, circumstances, past experiences, upbringing, people around us and our values shape our thought process. However, if you observe carefully your thoughts define your action, your action define your character and your character shapes the way a person interacts with the world. Our thoughts are the driving force of our lives, so create them carefully.  I believe we have the capability to think big ideas and rising above small thinking originating out of jealousy, ego, discrimination, poverty of ambition, which stops us from living up to our full potential. Thinking my dear friends is free ;) so why not think big and think different from what you have been thinking before.  Following are few different ideas that one can follow. Feel free to share yours in the comment section and kindle an action of change:

Think about making beautiful memories on a daily basis.

Think of following your passion and doing what makes you happy.

Think of including your wives surname in your name. ;)

Think planet earth as your home and you will never feel homesick.

Consider every human being as your family member.

Think of making a home rather than a big house.

Think of pursuing happiness instead of small mundane things.

Think about solving problems of the world rather than cribbing about small problems.

Think beyond money.

Think about changing the world and making a dent in the universe like Mandela, Gandhi and Dr. King.

Think about problems and adverse situations as a means to develop yourself and be grateful of having faced them.

Live life on a daily basis rather than years.

If possible be a job creator rather than a job seeker.

Celebrate in others happiness.

Respect insects and animals because of whom human beings are able to exist.

Be content with your present life but never be satisfied with learning and growing.

Think about spreading happiness by being happy yourself.

Think of facing your fears head on and enjoy the kick of overcoming them.

In any relationship, think in terms of "us" rather than YOU and I.

Think of exploring the unexplored.

Think of setting an example to the society.

Think of being a leader rather than a follower.

Think of living with compassion, love, respect and admiration.

Think of settling down abroad on different planets rather than countries.

Think of exploring your own potential by challenging yourself.

Think of generating the feeling " I am even luckier than Bill Gates and I am the luckiest person ever born on this planet"

Think of being the best human being on Planet Earth and develop a great character.

I am confident by "thinking big" one can live a life full of adventure, hope, satisfaction, inspiration, innovation which will help push the human race forward to another level. In my opinion, it is a sin to think small which is the surest way of not living your life to its full potential. So my dear friends, think bold, beautiful and different.

This post is my gratitude to people who have helped me shape my thought process and attitude towards life.

Feel free to share you "Think big" moment in the comment section.

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